Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Good Day Tuesday

Your prayers were answered today! Carter had a great day! He was able to rest and regain strength. He got moved to a different pod (part of the NICU) last night, and he's in a busy area. It was pretty loud all day, but he didn't seem to mind. Tonight when we left him he was sleeping.
His Great-Grandma came to visit today. Mommy sure appreciated that! I've had so much time lately to get to really know someone who, although she's always meant a lot to me, I never really knew. She is an inspiration of love and courage to me, and I draw great strength from her visits.
Uncle Geoff and Aunt Emily came to visit, too. So did our friends Monica and Heather. Grammie, Aunt Faith, and Morgan came yesterday, and here are some cute pictures of us with Morgan:

Oh, and here is the picture of my Mother's Day gift...like I said, it's amazing. She plans to make these and sell them for people....and since I'm advertising I get some sort of a broker's fee, right?? Ha!


At 9:40:00 PM, Blogger Monica said...

Carter, you looked wonderful and peaceful this evening. You are so cute! Keep gaining strength as God continues to heal your little body. Oh, and the quilt is amazing! I can't wait to see it in person and put in my order! You have a very talented Grammie!

At 6:24:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi to Carter and family! I'm a friend of Aunt Sherry from her church. Thank you for being so faithful to keep us updated on Carter's progress. It is a wonderful testimony to hear you being so transparent and honest since we Christians tend to hide in the difficult times. It's so exciting to see every little bit of progress and knowing his beautiful life is in the Lord's hands, and we can only imagine the impact this small life has and will continue to have in this world. God bless you!

At 7:02:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

morgan is adorable, and the quilt is amazing.

love you !


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