Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I am happy to say that Carter's day ended with smiles and sweet faces and fun with Mommy and Daddy. It was a long day with several ups and downs...here are the highlights:
We had several visitors. Linda D. came to visit and brought us YUMMY cinnamon rolls, which Gary was reluctant to share. Moriah and Trisha came to visit, too. Thank you, Moriah, for my Mother's Day gift...I love it!! Moriah has shown us so much kindness and thoughtfulness. Moriah--I want to be like you when I grow up :)
Carter looked very pale and listless this morning when I walked in. He just wasn't himself all day. Groggy and lethargic, not wanting to eat. His belly was tight, and it must have been causing him some pain and putting pressure on his stomach.
His drain did well today, although it put out a fair amount, they believe they are on the right track with their plan. They don't want it to cause him too much discomfort, which is good because neither do we. The doctors really care about him.
When we came in after dinner, Carter was asleep in his swing. We woke him up for his bath and diaper/dressing change. He does not enjoy bath time, but the rest of it is OK.
There are triglycerides in the abdominal fluid. Dr. Cocjin of GI says he thinks his lymphatic system must have some damage to it, causing it to leak these triglycerides, which come from fatty chains in the breastmilk. So, to try to let it heal itself, we have to switch to a formula. They are waiting for a special kind to arrive on Thursday, but until then, he gets this terrible smelly stuff that is supposed to digest easily. I'm pretty sad about it, because now not only do I not get to nurse him, I also just have to pump and store it for who knows how long. They say perhaps months. Agh.
After the bath it was time for Carter to eat. I told him that my feelings would be hurt if he ate the nasty smelly stuff better than mommy's milk. Well, he ate it better, although he had to have about 1 ounce put thru his tube. Then, the little stinker just came to life. He was smiley and happy and alert. Until, that is, Mommy started to sing to him. By the beginning of the third song, Carter was out like a light. Daddy says it's because he was trying to hide from the terrible noise, but I know it's because my voice is sooo soothing!
Oh, I forgot to mention this earlier, but happy birthday Uncle Dustin!! It was today (Tuesday the 16th) and I hope it was great!!


At 7:12:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello there all .. well after i left you all i was on the phone all day calling the alpha delta phi and ponlad mcdonald house head quarters. I am still waiting for calls back so i will let you know....i was so glad to see all of you yesterday and get to kiss that sweet baby(babies are my weakness)he is so precious. I will keep you informed... much love have a good day..

At 3:15:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Always glad to know how everything is going. Sarah, you have a way with verse! Of course we have always known you are talented.
I just didn't know about your literary expression--ha! I wouldn't try and compete with Gary's musical talent,though. That would be hard for any of us. The 3 of you are always in my prayers. Love, Becky

At 9:55:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guys~! I just wanted to tell you thank you for letting me come and see you yesterday. It completely brightened my day even though it wasn't one of Carter's best days... He is still a beautiful baby boy and I can't wait to see him again. I am glad to hear that you (Gary) are going to let the little trooper do and have whatever he wants. He deserves it and well, you know you will have the softest spot ever in your heart. :) Moriah has been trying everything she can think of to get something going for you guys like she told you about and I try to help her the best I can... I know that she has her heart set on it and she will not give up. I hope you know that. Well, I hope you guys have a great night and I will check back in the morning. <3 you...


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