He Knows
I went back to work on Monday. It seems the road back to normal has brought me closer to reality. I find myself thinking more about Carter. I miss him a lot more now. Some people say they know how I feel and some say they cannot imagine. The truth is, any loss hurts and is deep and painful. But every hurt is different. It's hard to take comfort in your pain when no one can truly relate to your personal experience.
Sitting at home tonight I began to think about how Jesus connects in all of this. What came to my mind was Isaiah 53:4. In it, Isaiah is speaking of the coming Messiah, Jesus. "Surely our griefs He Himself bore, and our sorrows He carried" In my Bible it states that the word sorrows is used in Hebrew of both physical and mental pain. What that means to me is that Jesus cared enough about me to experience my pain. You can't get a much closer friend than one who willingly experiences your physical and mental pain in order to show their love. I thank God He reminded me of this scripture tonight. If you are reading this and experiencing pain of your own, let this bring you some peace like it did me. Jesus really does know how you feel.
You do not know me but we are one in the spirit, we are one in the Lord.
I promise you that weeping may endure for the night- but joy will come in the morning! God words never fail! Heaven and earth shall pass away! But His word never fails. He will mend your broken hearts.
This world is not perfect. Bad things happen to good people. But you are not just a good person! You are the son and daughter of the true and living God! He will be a comforter to you and your latter will be greater than your past. This has been a great test for you! It happens to good Christians and non-Christians. But your response as a Christian will make all the difference.
I have friends going through a very similar trauma. Because they did not have a strong relationship with Jesus- they turned to alcohol, anger, infidelity, divorce, and substance abuse! I made their life much worse- and took them an extra 30 years to bounce back.
Your hope,
your joy,
your faith in God,
your ability to "trust in the Lord with all you heart" will make the difference in your turn-around.
and lift
of your sorrow.
Day by Day- trust in him. Worship CD's and joyful scriptures will ease the pain of life's challenges.
We are praying for you around the world! God is hearing your prayers.
May the peace of God surpass your understanding to guide your heart and minds through Christ Jesus!
What a great reminder, Gary. Thanks!
Amen! Thank you for thinking of others who might be in pain and reaching out to them, while you, yourself, are in such pain. God bless you both!
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